Outside of Wamena, there is no source of money (i.e., no
ATMs/banks). So, bring all the cash (Indonesian Rupiah, obviously) you will
need for the entire trip. However, because there is almost nothing to spend
money on, you don’t need much. You will have to pay for accommodation (100,000
per person per night), and then hey, maybe you’ll buy a necklace off a guy with
a penis gourd or something like that. Literally, that’s it. So, if you have
200,000 Rp per person per day plus emergency money, you would be fine. I always
bring tons, just in case (money doesn’t go bad).
Hot tip:
Bring all of your cash (Indonesian Rupiah) with
you from whatever large Indonesian city you are coming from. That way you don’t
have to worry about it.
Try to have small bills/change, so you can pay
with exact change. The guy with the penis gourd, he has no change on him J.
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